- ♪ Give me the Bible ♪ >>Today we are blessed with a wonderful gift from God, the Bible. This book is God's living word. In its pages, we are told, "For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." It is in this book of books that we find the answers to all of men's questions and need. This morning, your area churches of Christ welcome you to a program committed to that perfect law of liberty. ♪ Shining, Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪ >>As we present "The Living Word." ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ Till night shall vanish in eternal day ♪ >>Now here is your host, Ray Sullins. ♪ Give me ♪ >>Here we are on another wondrous Lord's Day morning, and let me welcome each of you to our program. It is always a privilege to have you with us for "The Living Word," and thank you for choosing to give this time to God, our Creator. As most of you know, it will be our privilege this day to sing songs of praise to our God and to study from His perfect word. What greater activity could we engage in this morning for the sake of God or before the throne of God? Therefore, may we each do our part to make this time beneficial toward God and according to His perfect will. Now as we approach the throne of God at this time will you bow with me in prayer? Our God and Father in Heaven, we are so thankful for this, another day of life, the great privilege that we have to be called Your children and to be servants in Your kingdom. And Father, help us today and every day to shine as lights in this world that others might know You through us and that ultimately we might all find our way to Heaven through obedience and striving to be perfect according to Your will. And Father, help us this day to always be mindful of the greatest of all sacrifices found through Jesus Christ that allows us to be found not only justified today but justified eternally. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen. This morning we want to begin with a song that reminds us that there is a prepared place by God for all those who are faithful. So won't you join in with the congregation at this time as we sing together, "There is a Habitation." ♪ There is a habitation built by the living God ♪ ♪ For all of every nation who seek that grand abode ♪ ♪ O Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ I long thy gates to see ♪ ♪ O, lovely Zion ♪ ♪ O, Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ When shall I dwell in thee ♪ ♪ A city with foundations firm as the eternal throne ♪ ♪ Nor wars nor desolations shall ever move a stone ♪ ♪ O Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ I long thy gates to see ♪ ♪ O, lovely Zion ♪ ♪ O Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ When shall I dwell in thee ♪ ♪ Within its pearly portals angelic armies sing ♪ ♪ With glorified immortals the praises of its King ♪ ♪ O Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ I long thy gates to see ♪ ♪ O, lovely Zion ♪ ♪ O Zion, Zion ♪ ♪ When shall I dwell in thee ♪ >>I was reminded recently about a story that I heard concerning a little boy who was complaining to his grandmother about all the problems that he had in life. The young boy griped about school and griped about chores and even about how his friends were treating him. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it? Well, all of us have been there and done that to an extent, but let's hear more about what this child learned that day. Later that day, the grandmother was working and making a cake, and she called the boy who had been playing outside. She felt it was time to teach him a very important lesson. With a loving tone in her voice, she asked her grandson if he would like a snack, to which he received, or she rather, received a resounding, "Yes." And then we see that she gets the cookie jar and gives him a cookie. In fact, one of his favorites. But Grandma said, "Here, we have to think about for a moment what is put into this cookie. Think about the cooking oil. And would you want to drink cooking oil?" And the boy replied, "Yuck." Well, then she said, "What about a raw egg? Would you like a raw egg?" And then he said, "Gross, Grandma." And then about that time she also showed him the baking soda and said, "Would you like to eat some baking soda?" To again which the boy replied, "No way." As we see this, the boy no doubt probably had a grin on his face and was trying to figure out what it was that Grandma was really trying to say. But having set the stage, here's what she told her grandson. She said, "You see, all of these things seem to be bad when you think about them by theirselves and when you focus on them, but when you put them together, they make something very wondrous and delicious like a cookie or even perhaps a cake," to which then she added, "In life, God works in the same way." Many times we might wonder why we deal with so many problems or difficulties or things that come up from time to time and here and there, but God knows when He puts them all together and He is with us to help us, that they always come out for good, and they always taste just perfect. Oh, what a true lesson in life this is, and something that we must all learn as we face the trials and tribulations of our daily existence, as we consider the things that the Bible says to encourage us. In fact, isn't that what Paul was talking about when he made this statement? The Bible says, "And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose," Romans 8:28. That means when you put in all the problems and trials of life and then you consider the help of God, you come out on top and they come out, again, tasting just as they should. Have you put your faith and trust in God? And are you seeing great things in your life because of your faithfulness to the calling? Why not choose today to serve God and to give yourself fully to Him? This morning our topic of study will again focus on the works of the flesh. And today our specific lesson will deal with contentions. So stay with us this morning and in just a few minutes, we will return and be led in these thoughts of the morning. As far as our speaker this day, we're happy to again have Brother Jerry Sullins with us. As most of you know, Brother Jerry is the director of the Bible Institute of Missouri here in Springfield, and we thank him for joining us, and we look forward to him guiding our thoughts from God's word at the appropriate time. But for now, let's join in our second song of the morning, the name of the hymn, "What Will Your Answer Be?" ♪ Someday you'll stand at the bar on high ♪ ♪ Someday your record you'll see ♪ ♪ Someday you'll answer the question of life ♪ ♪ What will your answer be ♪ ♪ What will it be, what will it be ♪ ♪ Where will you spend your eternity ♪ ♪ What will it be, oh, what will it be ♪ ♪ What will your answer be ♪ ♪ What will it be ♪ ♪ Sadly you'll stand, if you're unprepared ♪ ♪ Trembling, you'll fall on your knees ♪ ♪ Facing the sentence of life or of death ♪ ♪ What will the sentence be ♪ ♪ What will it be, what will it be ♪ ♪ Where will you spend your eternity ♪ ♪ What will it be, oh, what will it be ♪ ♪ What will your answer be ♪ ♪ What will it be ♪ ♪ Now is the time to prepare, my friend ♪ ♪ Make your soul spotless and free ♪ ♪ Washed in the blood of the Crucified One ♪ ♪ He will your answer be ♪ ♪ What will it be, what will it be ♪ ♪ Where will you spend your eternity ♪ ♪ What will it be, oh, what will it be ♪ ♪ What will your answer be ♪ ♪ What will it be ♪ >>Welcome again to "The Living Word" broadcast. And as always, we're so happy to have you in the viewing audience this morning. We pray that the words that are spoken here today, we know they'll be from God, that will rest on your hearts and in your minds and cause you to think about your life as it relates to our Father above. We have been, in the past few weeks, discussing some very serious matters that pertain to whether or not, if one violates God's law will determine whether or not he spends an eternity in Heaven or hell. These are very important matters. We've been discussing the works of the flesh that are found in Galatians 5:19-21. Now, I'm not going to read the complete list because it's very long, but actually it's talking about the ways we can sin before God. Some people say, and they don't even realize what sin is, but most people in our society know that what they are doing is either right or wrong as it relates to God and His understanding of the way that they are behaving themselves. Sin is basically, as is said in some versions, 1 John 3:4, lawlessness. One version says it's a transgression of God's law. Now you may say, I don't believe what God has to say. Well, God will deal with you in the future. But yet we who understand that this Bible that I'm holding before you this moment reveals to us God's word, what God desires of us, and He wants us to work hard so that we can be relieved of our sins. That's why He sent His Son to this world to die upon the cross for our sins. Now, these sins are listed in the Bible for us, warning Christians that they need to understand, as this Scripture says, "They who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of Heaven." Now, what are some of those sins? I'm just going to read shortly a few of them. The list begins in verse 19 of chapter five of the Book of Galatians. They are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, and then in verse 20 it says, "idolatry, sorcery, hatred, and contentions." Now you might say, well, contentions, this goes on all the time. Well, when we begin to define what this word actually means in the original language, it carries with it the concept of strife and quarreling and also many other words which actually are described as a sharpening of feeling or action, a loss of control. Now, we see this all over the world today. What does it bring? It brings factions. That is, divisions and conflict among people in so many different ways in our society today. It shows a lack of love and concern that people should have toward one another and certainly a great disrespect for another human being. We can see it everywhere. In fact, Jesus experienced this when there was a great dispute among His disciples, which was revealed to us in Luke 22. But yet in Matthew 18, these disciples that is, His 12, were wondering about something. Who is going to be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven? Now, Luke in Luke 24 says about this same problem among Jesus' disciples that there was a basically a sharp contention among them because they were seeking to be the greatest in the coming kingdom of Heaven. Not only them, but the mother of James and John who were His disciples were also wondering and questioning Jesus about this very same thing. Well, in Matthew 18, Jesus, while His disciples were talking about these things and wondering and asking Him, "Who's going to be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?" He took a little child and set that child in the midst of them, I suggest on His lap. And He said, basically, unless you become converted and become as this little child, that is, to humble yourselves, you will not be great in the kingdom of Heaven or you'll not be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. So Jesus made it very clear. But all in our homes today, we see discussions. Now, there's nothing wrong with the discussions, discussions among people. We see people, that is husband and wife and sometimes children and parents undergoing such conversations that bring upon a lack, a great showing of a lack of love and respect for one another, using words that are not in any way sanctioned by God Himself, misusing and abusing one another. This is what we can refer to as contentions, not only in the home, but we see it in the schools today. Even my small great-grandchildren will come and they will say things that they have heard at school and expressions that are made toward them and toward teachers that are not respectful in any way, that are not sanctioned in any way by God Himself. And even these little children are learning what we would call contentions, which will keep them out of the kingdom of Heaven. As in the home and in our society today, we see it in the churches. A lot of quarreling. One word is translated wrangling. Displeasure with each other so much that in their discussion of spiritual things, they lose control and begin to say things to one another. That is, those who call themselves Christians are actually acting like someone that is not like Christ. That's the bottom line. I cannot see in any way Jesus ever having an attitude that this word displays or this word is actually speaking of that is a quarrelsome attitude, a strifeful spirit, a lack of feeling toward others that is Christlike. Since He was Jesus Himself, He was always loving. Even when He said things that people were not able to refuse at all because He was speaking the truth, He still said it in a manner that was not contentious. In 1 Corinthians 1:10-11, there's a great example of this in the very early church, the church that was established by the Apostle Paul in the city of Corinth. Now, there was a great division in that church, a lot of strife going on and contentions and quarreling. And he basically came on as it is said, "by division of others wanting to follow different types of people or different people." In fact, the Scripture says in verse 10 of chapter one of the Book of 1 Corinthians, "Now I plead with you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ..." And he went on to say, "that you all speak the same things and that there be no divisions among you, but be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." Now, what was causing this contention in the early church to such a degree that the Apostle Paul had brought it up to the matter of sin among the group? Some were saying that they were of Apollos, of Paul, of Cephas, and even some were calling themselves of Christ. And he basically said, is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? And he even got to the point where he said "I thank God that I haven't baptized any of you" because what they were doing is they were causing great division and havoc in the church. Now, this happens in the Lord's church as well as in many denominations, men following after men. And all of this was a problem that was created by people not wanting to follow Christ and being one in Christ. And we see this rampant in the world's religious organizations today. The Apostle Paul and Barnabas had a sharp contention one time. They'd been on the first missionary journey together going out through Asia Minor and actually establishing churches and trying to strengthen the brethren and baptizing people. They had done a great work. Then it came time for them to go on a second missionary journey, and the Bible says, and this is the very word that we're talking about, that there was a sharp contention among them to such a degree that maybe words were exchanged that should not have been exchanged. And so what happened here is evidently they settled the problem because they were Christians. They got out of that attitude and so Paul decided that he wasn't going to take John Mark. That's what they were arguing about because John Mark had left the first missionary journey. Paul didn't want to take him. And so Paul took Silas with him and began that second missionary journey, and Barnabas took John Mark with him and also did some great works for the Lord's cause throughout the world, especially in the island of Cyprus. Well, there was quarreling back then, and sometimes we as Christians lose our control. We say things to one another that we should not say. We actually might do things to one another that we should not do, but we're Christians, and we should not be in contention with one another. There's nothing wrong with us discussing things. We need to discuss things. We need to determine what God's will is for us and be at peace with one another and speak properly. A great problem of division was caused in the early church by the Jewish brethren, and the Book of Galatians goes into this in quite a lot of detail. I don't have a lot of time to spend on that this morning, but if you want to read in the Book of Galatians, especially in chapter five, they were discussing, the Jewish Christians were trying to say, now, you Christians who are Gentile Christians need to circumcise yourself to be a proper Christian. Well, the Apostle Paul set that straight to the churches in the province of Galatia. This letter was circulated throughout those churches, and in Galatians 5:6 it said, "For in Christ, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith worketh through love." Again, let there be no divisions among you. In fact, the Apostle Paul said, you can get to such a point in Galatians 5:4, that you estrange yourself from Christ. You are no longer in the grace of Jesus Christ. You have fallen from grace. And what I like is the statement that is made in Galatians 5:15, and this is what we need to be careful of as children of God as we discuss things with one another. And that is, as it is stated there in verse 15, "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another." Consumed how? Consumed in sin. Because you are requiring of other brothers and sisters something you have no right to require of because it is not a part of the law of Christ. Well, simply as we turn back to the Book of Galatians 5, there's some instructions given right after the works of the flesh that are found in verse 22 of chapter five. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." And it goes on to say, "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit of God." That is, with the Spirit of Christ as we live among one another and as we discuss sometimes difficult issues. Let us do what the Apostle Paul said to those brethren in 1 Corinthians 1:10, let us be of one mind, the same mind and the same judgment. But above all, my brothers and sisters in Christ and those who are outside in the world with contentious spirits, let us look to Christ for that fine example and truly love one another so that we can have the joy that we need to have in Christ as we obey His will. Have the peace that passes all understanding, be long-suffering to one another, kind and tender-hearted as the Apostle Paul said to the Ephesian brethren, loving one another with a pure heart fervently as the Apostle Peter said to the churches of Asia Minor. May God bless us as we strive in every way to do His will and to follow His will and above all to make our lives as much as we can like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ♪ I bring my sins to Thee ♪ ♪ The sins I cannot count ♪ ♪ That all may cleansed be in Thy once-opened Fount ♪ ♪ I bring them, Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ The burden is too great for me ♪ ♪ The burden is too great for me ♪ ♪ I bring my grief to Thee ♪ ♪ The grief I cannot tell ♪ ♪ No words shall needed be ♪ ♪ Thou knowest all so well ♪ ♪ I bring the sorrow laid on me ♪ ♪ O, suffering Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ O, suffering Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ My life I bring to Thee ♪ ♪ I would not be my own ♪ ♪ O, Savior, let me be Thine ever, Thine alone ♪ ♪ My heart, my life, my all I bring ♪ ♪ To Thee, my Savior and my King ♪ ♪ To Thee, my Savior and my King ♪ >>Let me thank you again for choosing to be with us this day for "The Living Word" program, and I hope and trust that together we have all benefited from this service to our Lord. Let me also invite you to join us each and every Lord's Day morning at 7:30 as we give this time regularly to our Creator. But for now, let me ask you if you have any questions or comments about today's lesson. Maybe you'd like a free transcript or free CD or DVD of the program or possibly we could assist you with free Bible materials or free Bible correspondence courses. No matter what your need is, please feel free to contact us at the following address. The Living Word 2540 North Kansas Expressway Springfield, Missouri 65803. Many of these items are also available on our website. That address TheLivingWordProgram.com or if you prefer, you may call us at 417-869-2284. As we stand in the Word of God, may we strive to never be divisive in our actions and words that we might accomplish the peace that God desires between the faithful and the world itself in order that we might give glory to Him in all things and that He might truly see that we love Him and that we do not have the world in us. >>Our prayer is to help the world know more about God through this television program. "The Living Word" has been brought to you under the oversight of the Elders of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ in Springfield, Missouri, with the assistance of the following area churches of Christ. ♪ Seek and save the lost ♪ ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪ ♪ Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪ ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ Till night shall ♪